BigW Consortium Gitlab 1.24 KB

Bugzilla Service

Navigate to the Integrations page, select the Bugzilla service and fill in the required details as described in the table below.

Field Description
description A name for the issue tracker (to differentiate between instances, for example)
project_url The URL to the project in Bugzilla which is being linked to this GitLab project. Note that the project_url requires PRODUCT_NAME to be updated with the product/project name in Bugzilla.
issues_url The URL to the issue in Bugzilla project that is linked to this GitLab project. Note that the issues_url requires :id in the URL. This ID is used by GitLab as a placeholder to replace the issue number.
new_issue_url This is the URL to create a new issue in Bugzilla for the project linked to this GitLab project. Note that the new_issue_url requires PRODUCT_NAME to be updated with the product/project name in Bugzilla.

Once you have configured and enabled Bugzilla:

  • the Issues link on the GitLab project pages takes you to the appropriate Bugzilla product page
  • clicking New issue on the project dashboard takes you to Bugzilla for entering a new issue