BigW Consortium Gitlab

_failing_storages.html.haml 747 Bytes
- if failing_storages.any?
  = _('There are problems accessing Git storage: ')
    - failing_storages.each do |storage_health|
        = failing_storage_health_message(storage_health)
          - storage_health.failing_circuit_breakers.each do |circuit_breaker|
              #{circuit_breaker.hostname}: #{message_for_circuit_breaker(circuit_breaker)}

  = _("Access to failing storages has been temporarily disabled to allow the mount to recover. Reset storage information after the issue has been resolved to allow access again.")
    = button_to _("Reset git storage health information"), reset_storage_health_admin_health_check_path,
      method: :post, class: 'btn btn-default'