BigW Consortium Gitlab

status.html.haml 2.94 KB
- page_title "Bitbucket import"
- header_title "Projects", root_path
  Import projects from Bitbucket

- if @repos.any?
    Select projects you want to import.
  - if @incompatible_repos.any?
    = button_tag class: "btn btn-import btn-success js-import-all" do
      Import all compatible projects
      = icon("spinner spin", class: "loading-icon")
  - else
    = button_tag class: "btn btn-success js-import-all" do
      Import all projects
      = icon("spinner spin", class: "loading-icon")

        %th From Bitbucket
        %th To GitLab
        %th Status
      - @already_added_projects.each do |project|
        %tr{id: "project_#{}", class: "#{project_status_css_class(project.import_status)}"}
            = link_to project.import_source, "{project.import_source}", target: "_blank"
            = link_to project.path_with_namespace, [project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), project]
            - if project.import_status == 'finished'
            - elsif project.import_status == 'started'
            - else
              = project.human_import_status_name

      - @repos.each do |repo|
        %tr{id: "repo_#{repo["owner"]}___#{repo["slug"]}"}
            = link_to "#{repo["owner"]}/#{repo["slug"]}", "{repo["owner"]}/#{repo["slug"]}", target: "_blank"
            = import_project_target(repo['owner'], repo['slug'])
            = button_tag class: "btn btn-import js-add-to-import" do
              = icon("spinner spin", class: "loading-icon")
      - @incompatible_repos.each do |repo|
        %tr{id: "repo_#{repo["owner"]}___#{repo["slug"]}"}
            = link_to "#{repo["owner"]}/#{repo["slug"]}", "{repo["owner"]}/#{repo["slug"]}", target: "_blank"
            = label_tag "Incompatible Project", nil, class: "label label-danger"

- if @incompatible_repos.any?
    One or more of your Bitbucket projects cannot be imported into GitLab
    directly because they use Subversion or Mercurial for version control,
    rather than Git. Please convert
    = link_to "them to Git,", ""
    and go through the
    = link_to "import flow", status_import_bitbucket_path, "data-no-turbolink" => "true"

.js-importer-status{ data: { jobs_import_path: "#{jobs_import_bitbucket_path}", import_path: "#{import_bitbucket_path}" } }