BigW Consortium Gitlab

20151224123230_rename_emojis.rb 742 Bytes
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# Migration type: online without errors (works on previous version and new one)
class RenameEmojis < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    # Renames aliases to main names
    execute("UPDATE notes SET note ='thumbsup' WHERE is_award = true AND note = '+1'")
    execute("UPDATE notes SET note ='thumbsdown' WHERE is_award = true AND note = '-1'")
    execute("UPDATE notes SET note ='poop' WHERE is_award = true AND note = 'shit'")

  def down
    execute("UPDATE notes SET note ='+1' WHERE is_award = true AND note = 'thumbsup'")
    execute("UPDATE notes SET note ='-1' WHERE is_award = true AND note = 'thumbsdown'")
    execute("UPDATE notes SET note ='shit' WHERE is_award = true AND note = 'poop'")