BigW Consortium Gitlab

_issuable_by_email.html.haml 1.38 KB
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- name = issuable_type == 'issue' ? 'issue' : 'merge request'

  %button.issuable-email-modal-btn{ type: "button", data: { toggle: "modal", target: "#issuable-email-modal" } }
    Email a new #{name} to this project

#issuable-email-modal.modal.fade{ tabindex: "-1", role: "dialog" }
  .modal-dialog{ role: "document" }
        %button.close{ type: "button", data: { dismiss: "modal" }, aria: { label: "close" } }
          %span{ aria: { hidden: "true" } }= icon("times")
          Create new #{name} by email
          You can create a new #{name} inside this project by sending an email to the following email address:
          = text_field_tag :issuable_email, email, class: "monospace js-select-on-focus form-control", readonly: true
            = clipboard_button(target: '#issuable_email')
          = render 'by_email_description'
          This is a private email address, generated just for you.

          Anyone who gets ahold of it can create issues or merge requests as if they were you.
          You should
          = link_to 'reset it', new_issuable_address_project_path(@project, issuable_type: issuable_type), class: 'incoming-email-token-reset'
          if that ever happens.