BigW Consortium Gitlab

diff_comments.feature 3.52 KB
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Douwe Maan committed
Feature: Project Commits Diff Comments
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    Given I sign in as a user
    And I own project "Shop"
    And I visit project commit page

  Scenario: I can access add diff comment buttons
    Then I should see add a diff comment button

  Scenario: I can comment on a commit diff
    Given I leave a diff comment like "Typo, please fix"
    Then I should see a diff comment saying "Typo, please fix"

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  Scenario: I can add a diff comment with a single emoji
    Given I open a diff comment form
    And I write a diff comment like ":smile:"
    Then I should see a diff comment with an emoji image

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  Scenario: I get a temporary form for the first comment on a diff line
    Given I open a diff comment form
    Then I should see a temporary diff comment form

  Scenario: I have a cancel button on the diff form
    Given I open a diff comment form
    Then I should see the cancel comment button

  Scenario: I can cancel a diff form
    Given I open a diff comment form
    And I cancel the diff comment
    Then I should not see the diff comment form

  Scenario: I can't open a second form for a diff line
    Given I open a diff comment form
    And I open a diff comment form
    Then I should only see one diff form

  Scenario: I can have multiple forms
    Given I open a diff comment form
    And I write a diff comment like ":-1: I don't like this"
    And I open another diff comment form
    Then I should see a diff comment form with ":-1: I don't like this"
    And I should see an empty diff comment form

  Scenario: I can preview multiple forms separately
    Given I preview a diff comment text like "Should fix it :smile:"
    And I preview another diff comment text like "DRY this up"
    Then I should see two separate previews

  Scenario: I have a reply button in discussions
    Given I leave a diff comment like "Typo, please fix"
    Then I should see a discussion reply button

  Scenario: I can preview with text
    Given I open a diff comment form
    And I write a diff comment like ":-1: I don't like this"
    Then The diff comment preview tab should display rendered Markdown
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  Scenario: I preview a diff comment
    Given I preview a diff comment text like "Should fix it :smile:"
    Then I should see the diff comment preview
    And I should not see the diff comment text field

  Scenario: I can edit after preview
    Given I preview a diff comment text like "Should fix it :smile:"
    Then I should see the diff comment write tab
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  Scenario: The form gets removed after posting
    Given I preview a diff comment text like "Should fix it :smile:"
    And I submit the diff comment
    Then I should not see the diff comment form
    And I should see a discussion reply button
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  Scenario: I can add a comment on a side-by-side commit diff (left side)
    Given I open a diff comment form
    And I click side-by-side diff button
    When I leave a diff comment in a parallel view on the left side like "Old comment"
    Then I should see a diff comment on the left side saying "Old comment"

  Scenario: I can add a comment on a side-by-side commit diff (right side)
    Given I open a diff comment form
    And I click side-by-side diff button
    When I leave a diff comment in a parallel view on the right side like "New comment"
    Then I should see a diff comment on the right side saying "New comment"