# ArchitectureWhen you are developing a new feature that requires architectural design, or ifyou are changing the fundamental design of an existing feature, make sure it isdiscussed with one of the Frontend Architecture Experts.A Frontend Architect is an expert who makes high-level Frontend design decisionsand decides on technical standards, including coding standards and frameworks.Architectural decisions should be accessible to everyone, so please documentthem in the relevant Merge Request discussion or by updating our documentationwhen appropriate.You can find the Frontend Architecture experts on the [team page][team-page].## ExamplesYou can find documentation about the desired architecture for a new featurebuilt with Vue.js [here][vue-section].[team-page]:https://about.gitlab.com/team[vue-section]:vue.md#frontend.html#how-to-build-a-new-feature-with-vue-js