BigW Consortium Gitlab
- if @wiki_home.present? %div{ class: container_class } .wiki-holder.prepend-top-default.append-bottom-default .wiki
= render_wiki_content(@wiki_home)
- else - can_create_wiki = can?(current_user, :create_wiki, @project) .project-home-empty{ class: [('row-content-block' if can_create_wiki), ('content-block' unless can_create_wiki)] }
.text-center{ class: container_class }
%h4 This project does not have a wiki homepage yet - if can_create_wiki %p Add a homepage to your wiki that contains information about your project %p We recommend you
= link_to "add a homepage", project_wiki_path(@project, :home)
to your project's wiki and GitLab will show it here instead of this message.