BigW Consortium Gitlab

_gitlab_pages.html.haml 1.03 KB
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- gitlab_pages = @instance_configuration.settings[:gitlab_pages]
- content_for :table_content do
  %li= link_to 'GitLab Pages', '#gitlab-pages'

- content_for :settings_content do
    GitLab Pages

    Below are the settings for
    = succeed('.') { link_to('Gitlab Pages', gitlab_pages[:url], target: '_blank') }
          %th Setting
          %th= instance_configuration_host(@instance_configuration.settings[:host])
          %td Domain Name
            %code= instance_configuration_cell_html(gitlab_pages[:host])
          %td IP Address
            %code= instance_configuration_cell_html(gitlab_pages[:ip_address])
          %td Port
            %code= instance_configuration_cell_html(gitlab_pages[:port])

    The maximum size of your Pages site is regulated by the artifacts maximum
    size which is part of #{succeed('.') { link_to('GitLab CI', '#gitlab-ci') }}