@project_merge_requestsFeature: Project Merge Requests ReferencesBackground:Given I sign in as "John Doe"And public project "Community"And"JohnDoe"ownspublicproject"Community"And project "Community" has "Community fix" open merge requestAnd I logoutAnd I sign in as "Mary Jane"And private project "Enterprise"And"MaryJane"ownsprivateproject"Enterprise"And project "Enterprise" has "Enterprise issue" open issueAnd project "Enterprise" has "Enterprise fix" open merge requestAnd I visit issue page "Enterprise issue"And I leave a comment referencing issue "Community fix"And I visit merge request page "Enterprise fix"And I leave a comment referencing issue "Community fix"And I logout@javascriptScenario: Viewing the public issue as a "John Doe"Given I sign in as "John Doe"When I visit issue page "Community fix"Then I should see no notes at all@javascriptScenario: Viewing the public issue as "Mary Jane"Given I sign in as "Mary Jane"When I visit issue page "Community fix"And I should see a note linking to "Enterprise fix" merge requestAnd I should see a note linking to "Enterprise issue" issue