classTrendingProject<ActiveRecord::Basebelongs_to:project# The number of months to include in the trending calculation.MONTHS_TO_INCLUDE=1# The maximum number of projects to include in the trending set.PROJECTS_LIMIT=100# Populates the trending projects table with the current list of trending# projects.defself.refresh!# The calculation **must** run in a transaction. If the removal of data and# insertion of new data were to run separately a user might end up with an# empty list of trending projects for a short period of time.transactiondodelete_alltimestamp=connection.quote(MONTHS_TO_INCLUDE.months.ago)connection.execute<<-EOF.strip_heredoc INSERT INTO #{table_name} (project_id) SELECT project_id FROM notes INNER JOIN projects ON = notes.project_id WHERE notes.created_at >= #{timestamp} AND notes.system IS FALSE AND projects.visibility_level = #{Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC} GROUP BY project_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT #{PROJECTS_LIMIT}; EOFendendend