BigW Consortium Gitlab

_access_levels.html.haml 1.29 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4
  %legend Access
    = f.label :projects_limit, class: 'control-label'
    .col-sm-10= f.number_field :projects_limit, min: 0, max: Gitlab::Database::MAX_INT_VALUE, class: 'form-control'
6 7 8 9 10 11

    = f.label :can_create_group, class: 'control-label'
    .col-sm-10= f.check_box :can_create_group

12 13
    = f.label :access_level, class: 'control-label'
Douwe Maan committed
14 15 16
      - editing_current_user = (current_user == @user)

      = f.radio_button :access_level, :regular, disabled: editing_current_user
17 18 19 20
      = label_tag :regular do
        Regular users have access to their groups and projects
Douwe Maan committed
21 22

      = f.radio_button :access_level, :admin, disabled: editing_current_user
23 24 25 26
      = label_tag :admin do
        Administrators have access to all groups, projects and users and can manage all features in this installation
Douwe Maan committed
27 28 29
      - if editing_current_user
          You cannot remove your own admin rights.
30 31 32

    = f.label :external, class: 'control-label'
Douwe Maan committed
33 34 35 36 37
      = f.check_box :external do
        External users cannot see internal or private projects unless access is explicitly granted. Also, external users cannot create projects or groups.