BigW Consortium Gitlab

line_sample.rb 975 Bytes
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module Gitlab
  module Sherlock
    class LineSample
      attr_reader :duration, :events

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      # duration - The execution time in milliseconds.
      # events - The amount of events.
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      def initialize(duration, events)
        @duration = duration
        @events = events

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      # Returns the sample duration percentage relative to the given duration.
      # Example:
      #     sample.duration            # => 150
      #     sample.percentage_of(1500) # => 10.0
      # total_duration - The total duration to compare with.
      # Returns a float
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      def percentage_of(total_duration)
        (duration.to_f / total_duration) * 100.0

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      # Returns true if the current sample takes up the majority of the given
      # duration.
      # total_duration - The total duration to compare with.
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      def majority_of?(total_duration)
        percentage_of(total_duration) >= 30