BigW Consortium Gitlab

_diffs.html.haml 911 Bytes
Newer Older
1 2 3
- if params[:view] == 'parallel'
  - fluid_layout true

4 5
- diff_files = safe_diff_files(diffs)

6 7
9 10
      = inline_diff_btn
      = parallel_diff_btn
  = render 'projects/diffs/stats', diff_files: diff_files
12 13 14

- if diff_files.count < diffs.size
  = render 'projects/diffs/warning', diffs: diffs, shown_files_count: diff_files.count
15 16

  - diff_files.each_with_index do |diff_file, index|
18 19
    - diff_commit = commit_for_diff(diff_file)
    - blob = project.repository.blob_for_diff(diff_commit, diff_file)
20 21 22 23
    - next unless blob

    = render 'projects/diffs/file', i: index, project: project,
      diff_file: diff_file, diff_commit: diff_commit, blob: blob
24 25 26 27 28 29

- if @diff_timeout
      Failed to collect changes
Ciro Santilli committed
      Maybe diff is really big and operation failed with timeout. Try to get diff locally