- page_title "Google Code import"
- header_title "Projects", root_path
  Import projects from Google Code

- if @repos.any?
    Select projects you want to import.
    Optionally, you can
    = link_to "customize", new_user_map_import_google_code_path
    how Google Code email addresses and usernames are imported into GitLab.
  - if @incompatible_repos.any?
    = button_tag class: "btn btn-import btn-success js-import-all" do
      Import all compatible projects
      = icon("spinner spin", class: "loading-icon")
  - else
    = button_tag class: "btn btn-import btn-success js-import-all" do
      Import all projects
      = icon("spinner spin", class: "loading-icon")

        %th From Google Code
        %th To GitLab
        %th Status
      - @already_added_projects.each do |project|
        %tr{id: "project_#{project.id}", class: "#{project_status_css_class(project.import_status)}"}
            = link_to project.import_source, "https://code.google.com/p/#{project.import_source}", target: "_blank"
            = link_to project.path_with_namespace, [project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), project]
            - if project.import_status == 'finished'
            - elsif project.import_status == 'started'
            - else
              = project.human_import_status_name

      - @repos.each do |repo|
        %tr{id: "repo_#{repo.id}"}
            = link_to repo.name, "https://code.google.com/p/#{repo.name}", target: "_blank"
            = "#{current_user.username}/#{repo.name}"
            = button_tag class: "btn btn-import js-add-to-import" do
              = icon("spinner spin", class: "loading-icon")
      - @incompatible_repos.each do |repo|
        %tr{id: "repo_#{repo.id}"}
            = link_to repo.name, "https://code.google.com/p/#{repo.name}", target: "_blank"
            = label_tag "Incompatible Project", nil, class: "label label-danger"

- if @incompatible_repos.any?
    One or more of your Google Code projects cannot be imported into GitLab
    directly because they use Subversion or Mercurial for version control,
    rather than Git. Please convert them to Git on Google Code, and go
    through the
    = link_to "import flow", new_import_google_code_path

  new ImporterStatus("#{jobs_import_google_code_path}", "#{import_google_code_path}");