- @no_container = true
= render "admin/dashboard/head"

%div{ class: container_class }
      A 'Runner' is a process which runs a job.
      You can setup as many Runners as you need.
      Runners can be placed on separate users, servers, even on your local machine.

      %span Each Runner can be in one of the following states:
          %span.label.label-success shared
          \- Runner runs jobs from all unassigned projects
          %span.label.label-info specific
          \- Runner runs jobs from assigned projects
          %span.label.label-warning locked
          \- Runner cannot be assigned to other projects
          %span.label.label-danger paused
          \- Runner will not receive any new jobs

        You can reset runners registration token by pressing a button below.
        = button_to _("Reset runners registration token"), reset_runners_token_admin_application_settings_path,
          method: :put, class: 'btn btn-default',
          data: { confirm: _("Are you sure you want to reset registration token?") }

  = render partial: 'ci/runner/how_to_setup_runner',
           locals: { registration_token: current_application_settings.runners_registration_token,
                     type: 'shared' }

      = form_tag admin_runners_path, id: 'runners-search', class: 'form-inline', method: :get do
          = search_field_tag :search, params[:search], class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'Runner description or token', spellcheck: false
        = submit_tag 'Search', class: 'btn'

      Runners with last contact more than a minute ago: #{@active_runners_cnt}


  - if @runners.any?
            %th Type
            %th Runner token
            %th Description
            %th Version
            %th Projects
            %th Jobs
            %th Tags
            %th Last contact

        - @runners.each do |runner|
          = render "admin/runners/runner", runner: runner
    = paginate @runners, theme: "gitlab"
  - else
    .nothing-here-block No runners found