- page_title @user.name, "Users"
= render 'admin/users/head'

        = @user.name
          = image_tag avatar_icon(@user, 60), class: "avatar s60"
          %span.light Profile page:
            = link_to user_path(@user) do
              = @user.username
    = render 'admin/users/profile', user: @user

          %span.light Name:
          %strong= @user.name
          %span.light Username:
            = @user.username
          %span.light Email:
            = mail_to @user.email
        - @user.emails.each do |email|
            %span.light Secondary email:
            %strong= email.email
            = link_to remove_email_admin_user_path(@user, email), data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove #{email.email}?" }, method: :delete, class: "btn-xs btn btn-remove pull-right", title: 'Remove secondary email', id: "remove_email_#{email.id}" do

          %span.light Two-factor Authentication:
          %strong{class: @user.two_factor_enabled? ? 'cgreen' : 'cred'}
            - if @user.two_factor_enabled?
              = link_to 'Disable', disable_two_factor_admin_user_path(@user), data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, method: :patch, class: 'btn btn-xs btn-remove pull-right', title: 'Disable Two-factor Authentication'
            - else

          %span.light Can create groups:
            = @user.can_create_group ? "Yes" : "No"
          %span.light Personal projects limit:
            = @user.projects_limit
          %span.light Member since:
            = @user.created_at.stamp("Nov 12, 2031")
        - if @user.confirmed_at
            %span.light Confirmed at:
              = @user.confirmed_at.stamp("Nov 12, 2031")
        - else
            %span.light Confirmed:

          %span.light Current sign-in at:
            - if @user.current_sign_in_at
              = @user.current_sign_in_at.stamp("Nov 12, 2031")
            - else

          %span.light Last sign-in at:
            - if @user.last_sign_in_at
              = @user.last_sign_in_at.stamp("Nov 12, 2031")
            - else

          %span.light Sign-in count:
            = @user.sign_in_count

        - if @user.ldap_user?
            %span.light LDAP uid:
              = @user.ldap_identity.extern_uid

        - if @user.created_by
            %span.light Created by:
              = link_to @user.created_by.name, [:admin, @user.created_by]

    - unless @user == current_user
      - unless @user.confirmed?
            Confirm user
            - if @user.unconfirmed_email.present?
              - email = " (#{@user.unconfirmed_email})"
            %p This user has an unconfirmed email address#{email}. You may force a confirmation.
            = link_to 'Confirm user', confirm_admin_user_path(@user), method: :put, class: "btn btn-info", data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }
      - if @user.blocked?
            This user is blocked
            %p Blocking user has the following effects:
              %li User will not be able to login
              %li User will not be able to access git repositories
              %li Personal projects will be left
              %li Owned groups will be left
            = link_to 'Unblock user', unblock_admin_user_path(@user), method: :put, class: "btn btn-info", data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }
      - else
            Block this user
            %p Blocking user has the following effects:
              %li User will not be able to login
              %li User will not be able to access git repositories
              %li User will be removed from joined projects and groups
              %li Personal projects will be left
              %li Owned groups will be left
            = link_to 'Block user', block_admin_user_path(@user), data: { confirm: 'USER WILL BE BLOCKED! Are you sure?' }, method: :put, class: "btn btn-warning"
      - if @user.access_locked?
            This account has been locked
            %p This user has been temporarily locked due to excessive number of failed logins. You may manually unlock the account.
            = link_to 'Unlock user', unlock_admin_user_path(@user), method: :put, class: "btn btn-info", data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }

          Remove user
          - if @user.can_be_removed?
            %p Deleting a user has the following effects:
              %li All user content like authored issues, snippets, comments will be removed
              - rp = @user.personal_projects.count
              - unless rp.zero?
                %li #{pluralize rp, 'personal project'} will be removed and cannot be restored
            = link_to 'Remove user', [:admin, @user], data: { confirm: "USER #{@user.name} WILL BE REMOVED! Are you sure?" }, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-remove"
          - else
            - if @user.solo_owned_groups.present?
                This user is currently an owner in these groups:
                %strong #{@user.solo_owned_groups.map(&:name).join(', ')}
                You must transfer ownership or delete these groups before you can delete this user.