require 'digest/md5' class Key < ActiveRecord::Base include AfterCommitQueue include Sortable belongs_to :user before_validation :generate_fingerprint validates :title, presence: true, length: { within: 0..255 } validates :key, presence: true, length: { within: 0..5000 }, format: { with: /\A(ssh|ecdsa)-.*\Z/ } validates :key, format: { without: /\n|\r/, message: 'should be a single line' } validates :fingerprint, uniqueness: true, presence: { message: 'cannot be generated' } delegate :name, :email, to: :user, prefix: true after_create :add_to_shell after_create :notify_user after_create :post_create_hook after_destroy :remove_from_shell after_destroy :post_destroy_hook def key=(value) value.strip! unless value.blank? write_attribute(:key, value) end def publishable_key # Strip out the keys comment so we don't leak email addresses # Replace with simple ident of user_name (hostname) self.key.split[0..1].push("#{self.user_name} (#{})").join(' ') end # projects that has this key def projects user.authorized_projects end def shell_id "key-#{id}" end def add_to_shell GitlabShellWorker.perform_async( :add_key, shell_id, key ) end def notify_user run_after_commit { } end def post_create_hook, :create) end def remove_from_shell GitlabShellWorker.perform_async( :remove_key, shell_id, key, ) end def post_destroy_hook, :destroy) end private def generate_fingerprint self.fingerprint = nil return unless self.key.present? self.fingerprint = end end