%h3 Shared Runners

  - if current_application_settings.shared_runners_text.present?
    = markdown_field(current_application_settings, :shared_runners_text)
  - else
    GitLab Shared Runners execute code of different projects on the same Runner
    unless you configure GitLab Runner Autoscale with MaxBuilds 1 (which it is
    on GitLab.com).
  - if @project.shared_runners_enabled?
    = link_to toggle_shared_runners_namespace_project_runners_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: 'btn btn-warning', method: :post do
      Disable shared Runners
  - else
    = link_to toggle_shared_runners_namespace_project_runners_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: 'btn btn-success', method: :post do
      Enable shared Runners
    for this project

- if @shared_runners_count.zero?
  This GitLab server does not provide any shared Runners yet.
  Please use the specific Runners or ask your administrator to create one.
- else
  %h4.underlined-title Available shared Runners : #{@shared_runners_count}
    = render partial: 'runner', collection: @shared_runners, as: :runner
  - if @shared_runners_count > 10
      and #{@shared_runners_count - 10} more...