module DeclarativePolicy class Base # A map of ability => list of rules together with :enable # or :prevent actions. Used to look up which rules apply to # a given ability. See Base.ability_map class AbilityMap attr_reader :map def initialize(map = {}) @map = map end # This merge behavior is different than regular hashes - if both # share a key, the values at that key are concatenated, rather than # overridden. def merge(other) conflict_proc = proc { |key, my_val, other_val| my_val + other_val }, &conflict_proc)) end def actions(key) @map[key] ||= [] end def enable(key, rule) actions(key) << [:enable, rule] end def prevent(key, rule) actions(key) << [:prevent, rule] end end class << self # The `own_ability_map` vs `ability_map` distinction is used so that # the data structure is properly inherited - with subclasses recursively # merging their parent class. # # This pattern is also used for conditions, global_actions, and delegations. def ability_map if self == Base own_ability_map else superclass.ability_map.merge(own_ability_map) end end def own_ability_map @own_ability_map ||= end # an inheritable map of conditions, by name def conditions if self == Base own_conditions else superclass.conditions.merge(own_conditions) end end def own_conditions @own_conditions ||= {} end # a list of global actions, generated by `prevent_all`. these aren't # stored in `ability_map` because they aren't indexed by a particular # ability. def global_actions if self == Base own_global_actions else superclass.global_actions + own_global_actions end end def own_global_actions @own_global_actions ||= [] end # an inheritable map of delegations, indexed by name (which may be # autogenerated) def delegations if self == Base own_delegations else superclass.delegations.merge(own_delegations) end end def own_delegations @own_delegations ||= {} end # all the [rule, action] pairs that apply to a particular ability. # we combine the specific ones looked up in ability_map with the global # ones. def configuration_for(ability) ability_map.actions(ability) + global_actions end ### declaration methods ### def delegate(name = nil, &delegation_block) if name.nil? @delegate_name_counter ||= 0 @delegate_name_counter += 1 name = :"anonymous_#{@delegate_name_counter}" end name = name.to_sym if delegation_block.nil? delegation_block = proc { @subject.__send__(name) } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end own_delegations[name] = delegation_block end # Declares a rule, constructed using RuleDsl, and returns # a PolicyDsl which is used for registering the rule with # this class. PolicyDsl will call back into Base.enable_when, # Base.prevent_when, and Base.prevent_all_when. def rule(&b) rule =, rule) end # A hash in which to store calls to `desc` and `with_scope`, etc. def last_options @last_options ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end # retrieve and zero out the previously set options (used in .condition) def last_options! last_options.tap { @last_options = nil } end # Declare a description for the following condition. Currently unused, # but opens the potential for explaining to users why they were or were # not able to do something. def desc(description) last_options[:description] = description end def with_options(opts = {}) last_options.merge!(opts) end def with_scope(scope) with_options scope: scope end def with_score(score) with_options score: score end # Declares a condition. It gets stored in `own_conditions`, and generates # a query method based on the condition's name. def condition(name, opts = {}, &value) name = name.to_sym opts = last_options!.merge(opts) opts[:context_key] ||= condition =, opts, &value) self.own_conditions[name] = condition define_method(:"#{name}?") { condition(name).pass? } end # These next three methods are mainly called from PolicyDsl, # and are responsible for "inverting" the relationship between # an ability and a rule. We store in `ability_map` a map of # abilities to rules that affect them, together with a # symbol indicating :prevent or :enable. def enable_when(abilities, rule) abilities.each { |a| own_ability_map.enable(a, rule) } end def prevent_when(abilities, rule) abilities.each { |a| own_ability_map.prevent(a, rule) } end # we store global prevents (from `prevent_all`) separately, # so that they can be combined into every decision made. def prevent_all_when(rule) own_global_actions << [:prevent, rule] end end # A policy object contains a specific user and subject on which # to compute abilities. For this reason it's sometimes called # "context" within the framework. # # It also stores a reference to the cache, so it can be used # to cache computations by e.g. ManifestCondition. attr_reader :user, :subject, :cache def initialize(user, subject, opts = {}) @user = user @subject = subject @cache = opts[:cache] || {} end # helper for checking abilities on this and other subjects # for the current user. def can?(ability, new_subject = :_self) return allowed?(ability) if new_subject == :_self policy_for(new_subject).allowed?(ability) end # This is the main entry point for permission checks. It constructs # or looks up a Runner for the given ability and asks it if it passes. def allowed?(*abilities) abilities.all? { |a| runner(a).pass? } end # The inverse of #allowed?, used mainly in specs. def disallowed?(*abilities) abilities.all? { |a| !runner(a).pass? } end # computes the given ability and prints a helpful debugging output # showing which def debug(ability, *a) runner(ability).debug(*a) end desc "Unknown user" condition(:anonymous, scope: :user, score: 0) { @user.nil? } desc "By default" condition(:default, scope: :global, score: 0) { true } def repr subject_repr = if @subject.respond_to?(:id) "#{}/#{}" else @subject.inspect end user_repr = if @user @user.to_reference else "<anonymous>" end "(#{user_repr} : #{subject_repr})" end def inspect "#<#{} #{repr}>" end # returns a Runner for the given ability, capable of computing whether # the ability is allowed. Runners are cached on the policy (which itself # is cached on @cache), and caches its result. This is how we perform caching # at the ability level. def runner(ability) ability = ability.to_sym @runners ||= {} @runners[ability] ||= begin delegated_runners = { |p| p.runner(ability) } own_runner = delegated_runners.inject(own_runner, &:merge_runner) end end # Helpers for caching. Used by ManifestCondition in performing condition # computation. # # NOTE we can't use ||= here because the value might be the # boolean `false` def cache(key, &b) return @cache[key] if cached?(key) @cache[key] = yield end def cached?(key) !@cache[key].nil? end # returns a ManifestCondition capable of computing itself. The computation # will use our own @cache. def condition(name) name = name.to_sym @_conditions ||= {} @_conditions[name] ||= begin raise "invalid condition #{name}" unless self.class.conditions.key?(name)[name], self) end end # used in specs - returns true if there is no possible way for any action # to be allowed, determined only by the global :prevent_all rules. def banned? global_steps = { |(action, rule)|, rule, action) } ! end # A list of other policies that we've delegated to (see `Base.delegate`) def delegated_policies @delegated_policies ||= self.class.delegations.transform_values do |block| new_subject = instance_eval(&block) # never delegate to nil, as that would immediately prevent_all next if new_subject.nil? policy_for(new_subject) end end def policy_for(other_subject) DeclarativePolicy.policy_for(@user, other_subject, cache: @cache) end protected # constructs steps that come from this policy and not from any delegations def own_steps(ability) rules = self.class.configuration_for(ability) { |(action, rule)|, rule, action) } end end end