- lorem = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum nisi sapien, non consequat lectus aliquam ultrices. Suspendisse sodales est euismod nunc condimentum, a consectetur diam ornare."

  %h1 GitLab UI development kit
    Use page inspector in your browser to check element classes and structure
    of examples below.
      = link_to 'Blocks', '#blocks'
      = link_to 'Lists', '#lists'
      = link_to 'Tables', '#tables'
      = link_to 'Buttons', '#buttons'
      = link_to 'Panels', '#panels'
      = link_to 'Alerts', '#alerts'
      = link_to 'Forms', '#forms'
      = link_to 'Files', '#file'
      = link_to 'Markdown', '#markdown'

  %h2#blocks Blocks

    %code .well

    %h4 Something
    = lorem

  %h2#lists Lists

    %code .well-list
      One item
      One item
      One item

    %code .panel .well-list

    .panel-heading Your list
        One item
        One item
        One item

    %code .bordered-list
      One item
      One item
      One item

  %h2#tables Tables

          %th #
          %th First Name
          %th Last Name
          %th Username
          %td 1
          %td Mark
          %td Otto
          %td @mdo
          %td 2
          %td Jacob
          %td Thornton
          %td @fat
          %td 3
          %td Larry
          %td the Bird
          %td @twitter

  %h2#buttons Buttons

    %button.btn.btn-default{:type => "button"} Default
    %button.btn.btn-primary{:type => "button"} Primary
    %button.btn.btn-success{:type => "button"} Success
    %button.btn.btn-info{:type => "button"} Info
    %button.btn.btn-warning{:type => "button"} Warning
    %button.btn.btn-danger{:type => "button"} Danger
    %button.btn.btn-link{:type => "button"} Link

  %h2#panels Panels

        .panel-heading Success
          = lorem
        .panel-heading Primary
          = lorem
        .panel-heading Info
          = lorem
        .panel-heading Warning
          = lorem
        .panel-heading Danger
          = lorem

  %h2#alert Alerts

        = lorem
        = lorem
        = lorem
        = lorem
        = lorem

  %h2#forms Forms

    %code form.horizontal-form

      %label.col-sm-2.control-label{:for => "inputEmail3"} Email
        %input#inputEmail3.form-control{:placeholder => "Email", :type => "email"}/
      %label.col-sm-2.control-label{:for => "inputPassword3"} Password
        %input#inputPassword3.form-control{:placeholder => "Password", :type => "password"}/
            %input{:type => "checkbox"}/
            Remember me
        %button.btn.btn-default{:type => "submit"} Sign in

    %code form

      %label{:for => "exampleInputEmail1"} Email address
      %input#exampleInputEmail1.form-control{:placeholder => "Enter email", :type => "email"}/
      %label{:for => "exampleInputPassword1"} Password
      %input#exampleInputPassword1.form-control{:placeholder => "Password", :type => "password"}/
        %input{:type => "checkbox"}/
        Remember me
    %button.btn.btn-default{:type => "submit"} Sign in

  %h2#file File
    %code .file-holder

  - blob = Snippet.new(content: "Wow\nSuch\nFile")
        Awesome file
            %a.btn Edit
            %a.btn Remove
        = render 'shared/file_highlight', blob: blob

  %h2#markdown Markdown
    %code .md or .wiki and others

  Markdown rendering has a bit different css and presented in next UI elements:

    %li comment
    %li issue, merge request description
    %li wiki page
    %li help page

  You can check how markdown rendered at #{link_to 'Markdown help page', help_page_path("markdown", "markdown")}.