/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, one-var, no-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, quotes, no-shadow, prefer-arrow-callback, prefer-template, consistent-return, no-return-assign, new-parens, no-param-reassign, max-len */

var Breakpoints = (function() {
  var BreakpointInstance, instance;

  function Breakpoints() {}

  instance = null;

  BreakpointInstance = (function() {

    BREAKPOINTS = ["xs", "sm", "md", "lg"];

    function BreakpointInstance() {

    BreakpointInstance.prototype.setup = function() {
      var allDeviceSelector, els;
      allDeviceSelector = BREAKPOINTS.map(function(breakpoint) {
        return ".device-" + breakpoint;
      if ($(allDeviceSelector.join(",")).length) {
      // Create all the elements
      els = $.map(BREAKPOINTS, function(breakpoint) {
        return "<div class='device-" + breakpoint + " visible-" + breakpoint + "'></div>";
      return $("body").append(els.join(''));

    BreakpointInstance.prototype.visibleDevice = function() {
      var allDeviceSelector;
      allDeviceSelector = BREAKPOINTS.map(function(breakpoint) {
        return ".device-" + breakpoint;
      return $(allDeviceSelector.join(",")).filter(":visible");

    BreakpointInstance.prototype.getBreakpointSize = function() {
      var $visibleDevice;
      $visibleDevice = this.visibleDevice;
      // TODO: Consider refactoring in light of turbolinks removal.
      // the page refreshed via turbolinks
      if (!$visibleDevice().length) {
      $visibleDevice = this.visibleDevice();
      return $visibleDevice.attr("class").split("visible-")[1];

    return BreakpointInstance;

  Breakpoints.get = function() {
    return instance != null ? instance : instance = new BreakpointInstance;

  return Breakpoints;

$(() => { window.bp = Breakpoints.get(); });

window.Breakpoints = Breakpoints;