- label_css_id = dom_id(label)
- status = label_subscription_status(label, @project).inquiry if current_user
- subject = local_assigns[:subject]

%li{ id: label_css_id, data: { id: label.id } }
  = render "shared/label_row", label: label

    %button.btn.btn-default.label-options-toggle{ data: { toggle: "dropdown" } }
      = icon('caret-down')
          = link_to_label(label, subject: subject, type: :merge_request) do
            view merge requests
          = link_to_label(label, subject: subject) do
            view open issues
        - if current_user && defined?(@project)
            - if label.is_a?(ProjectLabel)
              %a.js-subscribe-button.label-subscribe-button{ role: 'button', href: '#', data: { status: status, url: toggle_subscription_namespace_project_label_path(@project.namespace, @project, label) } }
                %span= label_subscription_toggle_button_text(label, @project)
            - else
              %a.js-unsubscribe-button.label-subscribe-button{ role: 'button', href: '#', class: ('hidden' if status.unsubscribed?), data: { url: group_label_unsubscribe_path(label, @project) } }
                %span Unsubscribe
              %a.js-subscribe-button.label-subscribe-button{ role: 'button', href: '#', class: ('hidden' unless status.unsubscribed?), data: { url: toggle_subscription_namespace_project_label_path(@project.namespace, @project, label) } }
                %span Subscribe at project level
              %a.js-subscribe-button.label-subscribe-button{ role: 'button', href: '#', class: ('hidden' unless status.unsubscribed?), data: { url: toggle_subscription_group_label_path(label.group, label) } }
                %span Subscribe at group level

        - if can?(current_user, :admin_label, label)
            = link_to 'Edit', edit_label_path(label)
            = link_to 'Delete', destroy_label_path(label), title: 'Delete', method: :delete, data: {confirm: 'Remove this label? Are you sure?'}

    = link_to_label(label, subject: subject, type: :merge_request, css_class: 'btn btn-transparent btn-action') do
      view merge requests
    = link_to_label(label, subject: subject, css_class: 'btn btn-transparent btn-action') do
      view open issues

    - if current_user && defined?(@project)
        - if label.is_a?(ProjectLabel)
          %button.js-subscribe-button.label-subscribe-button.btn.btn-default{ type: 'button', data: { status: status, url: toggle_subscription_namespace_project_label_path(@project.namespace, @project, label) } }
            %span= label_subscription_toggle_button_text(label, @project)
            = icon('spinner spin', class: 'label-subscribe-button-loading')
        - else
          %button.js-unsubscribe-button.label-subscribe-button.btn.btn-default{ type: 'button', class: ('hidden' if status.unsubscribed?), data: { url: group_label_unsubscribe_path(label, @project) } }
            %span Unsubscribe
            = icon('spinner spin', class: 'label-subscribe-button-loading')

          .dropdown.dropdown-group-label{ class: ('hidden' unless status.unsubscribed?) }
            %button.dropdown-menu-toggle{ type: 'button', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown' }
              %span Subscribe
              = icon('chevron-down')
                %a.js-subscribe-button{ data: { url: toggle_subscription_namespace_project_label_path(@project.namespace, @project, label) } }
                  Project level
                %a.js-subscribe-button{ data: { url: toggle_subscription_group_label_path(label.group, label) } }
                  Group level

    - if label.is_a?(ProjectLabel) && label.project.group && can?(current_user, :admin_label, label.project.group)
      = link_to promote_namespace_project_label_path(label.project.namespace, label.project, label), title: "Promote to Group Label", class: 'btn btn-transparent btn-action', data: {confirm: "Promoting this label will make this label available to all projects inside this group. Existing project labels with the same name will be merged. Are you sure?", toggle: "tooltip"}, method: :post do
        %span.sr-only Promote to Group
        = icon('level-up')
    - if can?(current_user, :admin_label, label)
      = link_to edit_label_path(label), title: "Edit", class: 'btn btn-transparent btn-action', data: {toggle: "tooltip"} do
        %span.sr-only Edit
        = icon('pencil-square-o')
      = link_to destroy_label_path(label), title: "Delete", class: 'btn btn-transparent btn-action remove-row', method: :delete, data: {confirm: label_deletion_confirm_text(label), toggle: "tooltip"} do
        %span.sr-only Delete
        = icon('trash-o')

  - if current_user && defined?(@project)
    - if label.is_a?(ProjectLabel)
        new gl.ProjectLabelSubscription('##{dom_id(label)} .label-subscription');
    - else
        new gl.GroupLabelSubscription('##{dom_id(label)} .label-subscription');