/* global Vue, gl */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, no-plusplus */ ((gl) => { const PAGINATION_UI_BUTTON_LIMIT = 4; const UI_LIMIT = 6; const SPREAD = '...'; const PREV = 'Prev'; const NEXT = 'Next'; const FIRST = '<< First'; const LAST = 'Last >>'; gl.VueGlPagination = Vue.extend({ props: { /** This function will take the information given by the pagination component And make a new Turbolinks call Here is an example `change` method: change(pagenum, apiScope) { Turbolinks.visit(`?scope=${apiScope}&p=${pagenum}`); }, */ change: { type: Function, required: true, }, /** pageInfo will come from the headers of the API call in the `.then` clause of the VueResource API call there should be a function that contructs the pageInfo for this component This is an example: const pageInfo = headers => ({ perPage: +headers['X-Per-Page'], page: +headers['X-Page'], total: +headers['X-Total'], totalPages: +headers['X-Total-Pages'], nextPage: +headers['X-Next-Page'], previousPage: +headers['X-Prev-Page'], }); */ pageInfo: { type: Object, required: true, }, }, methods: { changePage(e) { let apiScope = gl.utils.getParameterByName('scope'); if (!apiScope) apiScope = 'all'; const text = e.target.innerText; const { totalPages, nextPage, previousPage } = this.pageInfo; switch (text) { case SPREAD: break; case LAST: this.change(totalPages, apiScope); break; case NEXT: this.change(nextPage, apiScope); break; case PREV: this.change(previousPage, apiScope); break; case FIRST: this.change(1, apiScope); break; default: this.change(+text, apiScope); break; } }, }, computed: { prev() { return this.pageInfo.previousPage; }, next() { return this.pageInfo.nextPage; }, getItems() { const total = this.pageInfo.totalPages; const page = this.pageInfo.page; const items = []; if (page > 1) items.push({ title: FIRST }); if (page > 1) { items.push({ title: PREV, prev: true }); } else { items.push({ title: PREV, disabled: true, prev: true }); } if (page > UI_LIMIT) items.push({ title: SPREAD, separator: true }); const start = Math.max(page - PAGINATION_UI_BUTTON_LIMIT, 1); const end = Math.min(page + PAGINATION_UI_BUTTON_LIMIT, total); for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) { const isActive = i === page; items.push({ title: i, active: isActive, page: true }); } if (total - page > PAGINATION_UI_BUTTON_LIMIT) { items.push({ title: SPREAD, separator: true, page: true }); } if (page === total) { items.push({ title: NEXT, disabled: true, next: true }); } else if (total - page >= 1) { items.push({ title: NEXT, next: true }); } if (total - page >= 1) items.push({ title: LAST, last: true }); return items; }, }, template: ` <div class="gl-pagination"> <ul class="pagination clearfix"> <li v-for='item in getItems' :class='{ page: item.page, prev: item.prev, next: item.next, separator: item.separator, active: item.active, disabled: item.disabled }' > <a @click="changePage($event)">{{item.title}}</a> </li> </ul> </div> `, }); })(window.gl || (window.gl = {}));