- page_title "GitHub import"
- header_title "Projects", root_path
  Import projects from GitHub

  To import GitHub pull requests, any pull request source branches that had been deleted are temporarily restored on GitHub. To prevent any connected CI services from being overloaded with dozens of irrelevant branches being created and deleted again, GitHub webhooks are temporarily disabled during the import process.

  Select projects you want to import.
  = button_tag class: "btn btn-import btn-success js-import-all" do
    Import all projects
    = icon("spinner spin", class: "loading-icon")

        %th From GitHub
        %th To GitLab
        %th Status
      - @already_added_projects.each do |project|
        %tr{id: "project_#{project.id}", class: "#{project_status_css_class(project.import_status)}"}
            = github_project_link(project.import_source)
            = link_to project.path_with_namespace, [project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), project]
            - if project.import_status == 'finished'
            - elsif project.import_status == 'started'
            - else
              = project.human_import_status_name

      - @repos.each do |repo|
        %tr{id: "repo_#{repo.id}"}
            = github_project_link(repo.full_name)
            = repo.full_name
            = button_tag class: "btn btn-import js-add-to-import" do
              = icon("spinner spin", class: "loading-icon")

  new ImporterStatus("#{jobs_import_github_path}", "#{import_github_path}");