/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */

// Adapted from https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign#Polyfill
if (typeof Object.assign !== 'function') {
  Object.assign = function assign(target, ...args) {
    if (target == null) { // TypeError if undefined or null
      throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');

    const to = Object(target);

    for (let index = 0; index < args.length; index += 1) {
      const nextSource = args[index];

      if (nextSource != null) { // Skip over if undefined or null
        for (const nextKey in nextSource) {
          // Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed
          if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(nextSource, nextKey)) {
            to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
    return to;