# Introduction to pipelines and jobs

Introduced in GitLab 8.8.

## Pipelines

A pipeline is a group of [jobs][] that get executed in [stages][](batches).
All of the jobs in a stage are executed in parallel (if there are enough
concurrent [Runners]), and if they all succeed, the pipeline moves on to the
next stage. If one of the jobs fails, the next stage is not (usually)

![Pipelines example](img/pipelines.png)

## Types of Pipelines

There are three types of pipelines that often use the single shorthand of "pipeline". People often talk about them as if each one is "the" pipeline, but really, they're just pieces of a single, comprehensive pipeline.

![Types of Pipelines](img/types-of-pipelines.svg)

1. **CI Pipeline**: Build and test stages defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
2. **Deploy Pipeline**: Deploy stage(s) defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` The flow of deploying code to servers through various stages: e.g. development to staging to production
3. **Project Pipeline**: Cross-project CI dependencies [triggered via API][triggers], particularly for micro-services, but also for complicated build dependencies: e.g. api -> front-end, ce/ee -> omnibus.

## Development Workflows

Pipelines accommodate several development workflows:

1. **Branch Flow** (e.g. different branch for dev, qa, staging, production)
2. **Trunk-based Flow** (e.g. feature branches and single master branch, possibly with tags for releases)
3. **Fork-based Flow** (e.g. merge requests come from forks)

Example continuous delivery flow:

![CD Flow](img/pipelines-goal.svg)

## Jobs

Jobs can be defined in the [`.gitlab-ci.yml`][jobs-yaml] file. Not to be
confused with a `build` job or `build` stage.

## Defining pipelines

Pipelines are defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` by specifying [jobs] that run in

See full [documentation](yaml/README.md#jobs).

## Seeing pipeline status

You can find the current and historical pipeline runs under **Pipelines** for
your project.

## Seeing job status

Clicking on a pipeline will show the jobs that were run for that pipeline.
Clicking on an individual job will show you its job trace, and allow you to
cancel the job, retry it,  or erase the job trace.

## How the pipeline duration is calculated

Total running time for a given pipeline would exclude retries and pending
(queue) time. We could reduce this problem down to finding the union of

So each job would be represented as a `Period`, which consists of
`Period#first` as when the job started and `Period#last` as when the
job was finished. A simple example here would be:

* A (1, 3)
* B (2, 4)
* C (6, 7)

Here A begins from 1, and ends to 3. B begins from 2, and ends to 4.
C begins from 6, and ends to 7. Visually it could be viewed as:

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

The union of A, B, and C would be (1, 4) and (6, 7), therefore the
total running time should be:

(4 - 1) + (7 - 6) => 4

## Badges

Pipeline status and test coverage report badges are available. You can find their
respective link in the [Pipelines settings] page.

[jobs]: #jobs
[jobs-yaml]: yaml/README.md#jobs
[stages]: yaml/README.md#stages
[runners]: runners/README.html
[pipelines settings]: ../user/project/pipelines/settings.md
[triggers]: triggers/README.md