      Recent Deliveries
    %p When an event in GitLab triggers a webhook, you can use the request details to figure out if something went wrong.
    - if hook_logs.any?
            %th Status
            %th Trigger
            %th URL
            %th Elapsed time
            %th Request time
        - hook_logs.each do |hook_log|
              = render partial: 'shared/hook_logs/status_label', locals: { hook_log: hook_log }
                = hook_log.trigger.singularize.titleize
              = truncate(hook_log.url, length: 50)
              #{number_with_precision(hook_log.execution_duration, precision: 2)} ms
              = time_ago_with_tooltip(hook_log.created_at)
              = link_to 'View details', project_hook_hook_log_path(project, hook, hook_log)

      = paginate hook_logs, theme: 'gitlab'

    - else
        You don't have any webhooks deliveries