require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::Ansi2html do subject { described_class } it "prints non-ansi as-is" do expect(convert_html("Hello")).to eq('Hello') end it "strips non-color-changing controll sequences" do expect(convert_html("Hello \e[2Kworld")).to eq('Hello world') end it "prints simply red" do expect(convert_html("\e[31mHello\e[0m")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-red">Hello</span>') end it "prints simply red without trailing reset" do expect(convert_html("\e[31mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-red">Hello</span>') end it "prints simply yellow" do expect(convert_html("\e[33mHello\e[0m")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-yellow">Hello</span>') end it "prints default on blue" do expect(convert_html("\e[39;44mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-bg-blue">Hello</span>') end it "prints red on blue" do expect(convert_html("\e[31;44mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-red term-bg-blue">Hello</span>') end it "resets colors after red on blue" do expect(convert_html("\e[31;44mHello\e[0m world")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-red term-bg-blue">Hello</span> world') end it "performs color change from red/blue to yellow/blue" do expect(convert_html("\e[31;44mHello \e[33mworld")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-red term-bg-blue">Hello </span><span class="term-fg-yellow term-bg-blue">world</span>') end it "performs color change from red/blue to yellow/green" do expect(convert_html("\e[31;44mHello \e[33;42mworld")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-red term-bg-blue">Hello </span><span class="term-fg-yellow term-bg-green">world</span>') end it "performs color change from red/blue to reset to yellow/green" do expect(convert_html("\e[31;44mHello\e[0m \e[33;42mworld")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-red term-bg-blue">Hello</span> <span class="term-fg-yellow term-bg-green">world</span>') end it "ignores unsupported codes" do expect(convert_html("\e[51mHello\e[0m")).to eq('Hello') end it "prints light red" do expect(convert_html("\e[91mHello\e[0m")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-l-red">Hello</span>') end it "prints default on light red" do expect(convert_html("\e[101mHello\e[0m")).to eq('<span class="term-bg-l-red">Hello</span>') end it "performs color change from red/blue to default/blue" do expect(convert_html("\e[31;44mHello \e[39mworld")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-red term-bg-blue">Hello </span><span class="term-bg-blue">world</span>') end it "performs color change from light red/blue to default/blue" do expect(convert_html("\e[91;44mHello \e[39mworld")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-l-red term-bg-blue">Hello </span><span class="term-bg-blue">world</span>') end it "prints bold text" do expect(convert_html("\e[1mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-bold">Hello</span>') end it "resets bold text" do expect(convert_html("\e[1mHello\e[21m world")).to eq('<span class="term-bold">Hello</span> world') expect(convert_html("\e[1mHello\e[22m world")).to eq('<span class="term-bold">Hello</span> world') end it "prints italic text" do expect(convert_html("\e[3mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-italic">Hello</span>') end it "resets italic text" do expect(convert_html("\e[3mHello\e[23m world")).to eq('<span class="term-italic">Hello</span> world') end it "prints underlined text" do expect(convert_html("\e[4mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-underline">Hello</span>') end it "resets underlined text" do expect(convert_html("\e[4mHello\e[24m world")).to eq('<span class="term-underline">Hello</span> world') end it "prints concealed text" do expect(convert_html("\e[8mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-conceal">Hello</span>') end it "resets concealed text" do expect(convert_html("\e[8mHello\e[28m world")).to eq('<span class="term-conceal">Hello</span> world') end it "prints crossed-out text" do expect(convert_html("\e[9mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-cross">Hello</span>') end it "resets crossed-out text" do expect(convert_html("\e[9mHello\e[29m world")).to eq('<span class="term-cross">Hello</span> world') end it "can print 256 xterm fg colors" do expect(convert_html("\e[38;5;16mHello")).to eq('<span class="xterm-fg-16">Hello</span>') end it "can print 256 xterm fg colors on normal magenta background" do expect(convert_html("\e[38;5;16;45mHello")).to eq('<span class="xterm-fg-16 term-bg-magenta">Hello</span>') end it "can print 256 xterm bg colors" do expect(convert_html("\e[48;5;240mHello")).to eq('<span class="xterm-bg-240">Hello</span>') end it "can print 256 xterm bg colors on normal magenta foreground" do expect(convert_html("\e[48;5;16;35mHello")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-magenta xterm-bg-16">Hello</span>') end it "prints bold colored text vividly" do expect(convert_html("\e[1;31mHello\e[0m")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-l-red term-bold">Hello</span>') end it "prints bold light colored text correctly" do expect(convert_html("\e[1;91mHello\e[0m")).to eq('<span class="term-fg-l-red term-bold">Hello</span>') end it "prints <" do expect(convert_html("<")).to eq('<') end it "replaces newlines with line break tags" do expect(convert_html("\n")).to eq('<br>') end it "groups carriage returns with newlines" do expect(convert_html("\r\n")).to eq('<br>') end describe "incremental update" do shared_examples 'stateable converter' do let(:pass1_stream) { } let(:pass2_stream) { + text) } let(:pass1) { subject.convert(pass1_stream) } let(:pass2) { subject.convert(pass2_stream, pass1.state) } it "to returns html to append" do expect(pass2.append).to be_truthy expect(pass2.html).to eq(html) expect(pass1.html + pass2.html).to eq(pre_html + html) end end context "with split word" do let(:pre_text) { "\e[1mHello" } let(:pre_html) { "<span class=\"term-bold\">Hello</span>" } let(:text) { "\e[1mWorld" } let(:html) { "<span class=\"term-bold\"></span><span class=\"term-bold\">World</span>" } it_behaves_like 'stateable converter' end context "with split sequence" do let(:pre_text) { "\e[1m" } let(:pre_html) { "<span class=\"term-bold\"></span>" } let(:text) { "Hello" } let(:html) { "<span class=\"term-bold\">Hello</span>" } it_behaves_like 'stateable converter' end context "with partial sequence" do let(:pre_text) { "Hello\e" } let(:pre_html) { "Hello" } let(:text) { "[1m World" } let(:html) { "<span class=\"term-bold\"> World</span>" } it_behaves_like 'stateable converter' end context 'with new line' do let(:pre_text) { "Hello\r" } let(:pre_html) { "Hello\r" } let(:text) { "\nWorld" } let(:html) { "<br>World" } it_behaves_like 'stateable converter' end end describe "truncates" do let(:text) { "Hello World" } let(:stream) { } let(:subject) { described_class.convert(stream) } before do, IO::SEEK_SET) end it "returns truncated output" do expect(subject.truncated).to be_truthy end it "does not append output" do expect(subject.append).to be_falsey end end def convert_html(data) stream = subject.convert(stream).html end end