BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit f5cc3f63 by Douwe Maan

Render inline diffs for multiple changed lines following eachother

parent 92772f85
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ v 8.10.0 (unreleased)
- Updated layout for Projects, Groups, Users on Admin area !4424
- Fix changing issue state columns in milestone view
- Add notification settings dropdown for groups
- Render inline diffs for multiple changed lines following eachother
- Wildcards for protected branches. !4665
- Allow importing from Github using Personal Access Tokens. (Eric K Idema)
- API: Todos !3188 (Robert Schilling)
module Gitlab
module Diff
class InlineDiff
# Regex to find a run of deleted lines followed by the same number of added lines
REGEX = %r{
# Runs start at the beginning of the string (the first line) or after a space (for an unchanged line)
(?:\A| )
# This matches a number of `-`s followed by the same number of `+`s through recursion
# Runs end at the end of the string (the last line) or before a space (for an unchanged line)
(?= |\z)
attr_accessor :old_line, :new_line, :offset
def self.for_lines(lines)
local_edit_indexes = self.find_local_edits(lines)
changed_line_pairs = self.find_changed_line_pairs(lines)
inline_diffs = []
local_edit_indexes.each do |index|
old_index = index
new_index = index + 1
changed_line_pairs.each do |old_index, new_index|
old_line = lines[old_index]
new_line = lines[new_index]
......@@ -51,18 +65,28 @@ module Gitlab
def self.find_local_edits(lines)
line_prefixes = { |line| line.match(/\A([+-])/) ? $1 : ' ' }
joined_line_prefixes = " #{line_prefixes.join} "
# Finds pairs of old/new line pairs that represent the same line that changed
def self.find_changed_line_pairs(lines)
# Prefixes of all diff lines, indicating their types
# For example: `" - + -+ ---+++ --+ -++"`
line_prefixes = lines.each_with_object("") { |line, s| s << line[0] }.gsub(/[^ +-]/, ' ')
changed_line_pairs = []
line_prefixes.scan(REGEX) do
# For `"---+++"`, `begin_index == 0`, `end_index == 6`
begin_index, end_index = Regexp.last_match.offset(:del_ins)
offset = 0
local_edit_indexes = []
while index = joined_line_prefixes.index(" -+ ", offset)
local_edit_indexes << index
offset = index + 1
# For `"---+++"`, `changed_line_count == 3`
changed_line_count = (end_index - begin_index) / 2
halfway_index = begin_index + changed_line_count
(begin_index...halfway_index).each do |i|
# For `"---+++"`, index 1 maps to 1 + 3 = 4
changed_line_pairs << [i, i + changed_line_count]
def longest_common_prefix(a, b)
......@@ -3,14 +3,19 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe Gitlab::Diff::InlineDiff, lib: true do
describe '.for_lines' do
let(:diff) do
class Test
- def initialize(test = true)
+ def initialize(test = false)
- def initialize(test = true)
+ def initialize(test = false)
@test = test
- if true
- @foo = "bar"
+ unless false
+ @foo = "baz"
let(:subject) { described_class.for_lines(diff.lines) }
......@@ -20,8 +25,11 @@ eos
expect(subject[1]).to eq([25..27])
expect(subject[2]).to eq([25..28])
expect(subject[3]).to be_nil
expect(subject[4]).to be_nil
expect(subject[5]).to be_nil
expect(subject[4]).to eq([5..10])
expect(subject[5]).to eq([17..17])
expect(subject[6]).to eq([5..15])
expect(subject[7]).to eq([17..17])
expect(subject[8]).to be_nil
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