BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit f5a16663 by miks

Improved validation. Strip key.

parent e3e9db95
......@@ -13,14 +13,19 @@ class Key < ActiveRecord::Base
:length => { :within => 0..5000 }
before_save :set_identifier
before_validation :strip_white_space
after_save :update_repository
after_destroy :repository_delete_key
validate :unique_key
def strip_white_space
self.key = self.key.strip
def unique_key
query = 'key = ?'
query << ' AND project_id IS NULL' unless user_id
if (Key.where(query, key.strip).count > 0)
query = Key.where('key = ?', key)
query = query.where('(project_id IS NULL OR project_id = ?)', project_id) if project_id
if (query.count > 0)
errors.add :key, 'already exist.'
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