Commit f17d7a4b by Annabel Dunstone Gray

Merge branch '37898-increase-readability-of-colored-text-in-job-output-log' into 'master'

fix readability xterm colors Closes #37898 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!15921
parents 19b76cd4 e4239eb2
......@@ -3,22 +3,21 @@
// see also:
$black: #000;
$red: #cd0000;
$green: #00cd00;
$yellow: #cdcd00;
$blue: #00e; // according to wikipedia, this is the xterm standard
//$blue: #1e90ff; // this is used by all the terminals I tried (when configured with the xterm color profile)
$magenta: #cd00cd;
$cyan: #00cdcd;
$white: #e5e5e5;
$red: #ea1010;
$green: #009900;
$yellow: #999900;
$blue: #0073e6;
$magenta: #d411d4;
$cyan: #009999;
$white: #ccc;
$l-black: #373b41;
$l-red: #c66;
$l-green: #b5bd68;
$l-yellow: #f0c674;
$l-blue: #81a2be;
$l-magenta: #b294bb;
$l-cyan: #8abeb7;
$l-white: $gray-darkest;
$l-red: #ff6161;
$l-green: #00d600;
$l-yellow: #bdbd00;
$l-blue: #5797ff;
$l-magenta: #d96dd9;
$l-cyan: #00bdbd;
$l-white: #fff;
* xterm colors
title: increase-readability-of-colored-text-in-job-output-log
type: other
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