BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit ea17df5c by Andre Guedes

Fixing minor view issues

parent b408a192
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
%th Name
%th Image ID
%th Tag
%th Tag ID
%th Size
%th Created
- if can?(current_user, :update_container_image, @project)
......@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@
- if can?(current_user, :update_container_image, @project)
= link_to namespace_project_container_registry_path(@project.namespace, @project, { id:, tag:} ), class: 'btn btn-remove has-tooltip', title: "Remove tag", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, method: :delete do
= link_to namespace_project_container_registry_path(@project.namespace, @project, { id:, tag:} ), class: 'btn btn-remove has-tooltip', title: "Remove tag", data: { confirm: "Due to a Docker limitation, all tags with the same ID will also be deleted. Are you sure?" }, method: :delete do
= icon("trash cred")
......@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
Then you are free to create and upload a container image with build and push commands:
docker build -t #{escape_once(@project.container_registry_url)} .
docker build -t #{escape_once(@project.container_registry_url)}/image .
docker push #{escape_once(@project.container_registry_url)}
docker push #{escape_once(@project.container_registry_url)}/image
- if @images.blank?
.nothing-here-block No container images in Container Registry for this project.
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