BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e97cdb04 by Douwe Maan

Remove old team scopes.

parent bbdf2326
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :project, presence: true
scope :of_group, ->(group) { where(project_id: group.project_ids) }
scope :of_user_team, ->(team) { where(project_id: team.project_ids, assignee_id: team.member_ids) }
scope :cared, ->(user) { where(assignee_id: user) }
scope :open_for, ->(user) { opened.assigned_to(user) }
......@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :validate_fork
scope :of_group, ->(group) { where("source_project_id in (:group_project_ids) OR target_project_id in (:group_project_ids)", group_project_ids: group.project_ids) }
scope :of_user_team, ->(team) { where("(source_project_id in (:team_project_ids) OR target_project_id in (:team_project_ids) AND assignee_id in (:team_member_ids))", team_project_ids: team.project_ids, team_member_ids: team.member_ids) }
scope :merged, -> { with_state(:merged) }
scope :by_branch, ->(branch_name) { where("(source_branch LIKE :branch) OR (target_branch LIKE :branch)", branch: branch_name) }
scope :cared, ->(user) { where('assignee_id = :user OR author_id = :user', user: }
......@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :without_user, ->(user) { where(' NOT IN (:ids)', ids: ) }
scope :without_team, ->(team) { team.projects.present? ? where(' NOT IN (:ids)', ids: : scoped }
scope :not_in_group, ->(group) { where(' NOT IN (:ids)', ids: group.project_ids ) }
scope :in_team, ->(team) { where(' IN (:ids)', ids: }
scope :in_namespace, ->(namespace) { where(namespace_id: }
scope :in_group_namespace, -> { joins(:group) }
scope :personal, ->(user) { where(namespace_id: user.namespace_id) }
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