BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e8335a65 by Alexander Ambrose Committed by Alexander Ambrose

Change emoji cheat sheet link to Amazon S3

The emoji cheat sheet link was changed. Commit changes the url to the updated link and fixes issue #8554.
parent 2dfd2198
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ But let's throw in a <b>tag</b>.
If you are new to this, don't be :fearful_face:. You can easily join the emoji :family:. All you need to do is to look up on the supported codes.
Consult the [Emoji Cheat Sheet]( for a list of all supported emoji codes. :thumbsup:
Consult the [Emoji Cheat Sheet]( for a list of all supported emoji codes. :thumbsup:
Sometimes you want to be a :ninja: and add some :glowing_star: to your :speech_balloon:. Well we have a gift for you:
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ You can use it to point out a :bug: or warn about :speak_no_evil_monkey: patches
If you are new to this, don't be :fearful_face:. You can easily join the emoji :family:. All you need to do is to look up on the supported codes.
Consult the [Emoji Cheat Sheet]( for a list of all supported emoji codes. :thumbsup:
Consult the [Emoji Cheat Sheet]( for a list of all supported emoji codes. :thumbsup:
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