BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e39fdc1d by Stan Hu

Ensure MySQL CI limits DB migrations occur after the fields have been created

parent 6f5a844e
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.2.0 (unreleased)
- Ensure MySQL CI limits DB migrations occur after the fields have been created (Stan Hu)
- Improved performance of replacing references in comments
- Fix duplicate repositories in GitHub import page (Stan Hu)
- Redirect to a default path if HTTP_REFERER is not set (Stan Hu)
class CiLimitsToMysql < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
return unless ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['adapter'] =~ /^mysql/
# CI
change_column :ci_builds, :trace, :text, limit: 1073741823
change_column :ci_commits, :push_data, :text, limit: 16777215
......@@ -6,9 +6,5 @@ class LimitsToMysql < ActiveRecord::Migration
change_column :merge_request_diffs, :st_diffs, :text, limit: 2147483647
change_column :snippets, :content, :text, limit: 2147483647
change_column :notes, :st_diff, :text, limit: 2147483647
# CI
change_column :ci_builds, :trace, :text, limit: 1073741823
change_column :ci_commits, :push_data, :text, limit: 16777215
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