BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit d5ea9346 by Robert Speicher

Add custom UrlValidator

parent 2928e19d
......@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ class ApplicationSetting < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :home_page_url,
allow_blank: true,
format: { with: /\A#{URI.regexp(%w(http https))}\z/, message: "should be a valid url" },
url: true,
if: :home_page_url_column_exist
validates :after_sign_out_path,
allow_blank: true,
format: { with: /\A#{URI.regexp(%w(http https))}\z/, message: "should be a valid url" }
url: true
validates :admin_notification_email,
allow_blank: true,
......@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ module Ci
# HTTParty timeout
default_timeout 10
validates :url, presence: true,
format: { with: URI::regexp(%w(http https)), message: "should be a valid url" }
validates :url, presence: true, url: true
def execute(data)
parsed_url = URI.parse(url)
......@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ class WebHook < ActiveRecord::Base
# HTTParty timeout
default_timeout Gitlab.config.gitlab.webhook_timeout
validates :url, presence: true,
format: { with: /\A#{URI.regexp(%w(http https))}\z/, message: "should be a valid url" }
validates :url, presence: true, url: true
def execute(data, hook_name)
parsed_url = URI.parse(url)
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: :namespace_id
validates_uniqueness_of :path, scope: :namespace_id
validates :import_url,
format: { with: /\A#{URI.regexp(%w(ssh git http https))}\z/, message: 'should be a valid url' },
url: { protocols: %w(ssh git http https) },
if: :external_import?
validates :star_count, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validate :check_limit, on: :create
......@@ -23,10 +23,7 @@ class BambooService < CiService
prop_accessor :bamboo_url, :build_key, :username, :password
validates :bamboo_url,
presence: true,
format: { with: /\A#{URI.regexp}\z/ },
if: :activated?
validates :bamboo_url, presence: true, url: true, if: :activated?
validates :build_key, presence: true, if: :activated?
validates :username,
presence: true,
......@@ -21,12 +21,9 @@
class DroneCiService < CiService
prop_accessor :drone_url, :token, :enable_ssl_verification
validates :drone_url,
presence: true,
format: { with: /\A#{URI.regexp(%w(http https))}\z/, message: "should be a valid url" }, if: :activated?
validates :token,
presence: true,
if: :activated?
validates :drone_url, presence: true, url: true, if: :activated?
validates :token, presence: true, if: :activated?
after_save :compose_service_hook, if: :activated?
......@@ -22,10 +22,8 @@ class ExternalWikiService < Service
include HTTParty
prop_accessor :external_wiki_url
validates :external_wiki_url,
presence: true,
format: { with: /\A#{URI.regexp}\z/ },
if: :activated?
validates :external_wiki_url, presence: true, url: true, if: :activated?
def title
'External Wiki'
......@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ class TeamcityService < CiService
prop_accessor :teamcity_url, :build_type, :username, :password
validates :teamcity_url,
presence: true,
format: { with: /\A#{URI.regexp}\z/ }, if: :activated?
validates :teamcity_url, presence: true, url: true, if: :activated?
validates :build_type, presence: true, if: :activated?
validates :username,
presence: true,
if: ->(service) { service.password? }, if: :activated?
if: ->(service) { service.password? },
if: :activated?
validates :password,
presence: true,
if: ->(service) { service.username? }, if: :activated?
if: ->(service) { service.username? },
if: :activated?
attr_accessor :response
# UrlValidator
# Custom validator for URLs.
# By default, only URLs for the HTTP(S) protocols will be considered valid.
# Provide a `:protocols` option to configure accepted protocols.
# Example:
# class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# validates :personal_url, url: true
# validates :ftp_url, url: { protocols: %w(ftp) }
# validates :git_url, url: { protocols: %w(http https ssh git) }
# end
class UrlValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
unless valid_url?(value)
record.errors.add(attribute, "must be a valid URL")
def default_options
@default_options ||= { protocols: %w(http https) }
def valid_url?(value)
options = default_options.merge(self.options)
value =~ /\A#{URI.regexp(options[:protocols])}\z/
......@@ -36,6 +36,22 @@ describe ApplicationSetting, models: true do
it { expect(setting).to be_valid }
describe 'validations' do
let(:http) { '' }
let(:https) { '' }
let(:ftp) { '' }
it { allow_value(nil).for(:home_page_url) }
it { allow_value(http).for(:home_page_url) }
it { allow_value(https).for(:home_page_url) }
it { is_expected.not_to allow_value(ftp).for(:home_page_url) }
it { allow_value(nil).for(:after_sign_out_path) }
it { allow_value(http).for(:after_sign_out_path) }
it { allow_value(https).for(:after_sign_out_path) }
it { is_expected.not_to allow_value(ftp).for(:after_sign_out_path) }
context 'restricted signup domains' do
it 'set single domain' do
setting.restricted_signup_domains_raw = ''
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