BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit cd582d3c by Brian Hall

Remove unnecessary returns / unset variables from the CoffeeScript -> JS conversion.

parent 7bf6df84
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
beforeEach(function() {
return this.shortcut = new ShortcutsIssuable();
this.shortcut = new ShortcutsIssuable();
return describe('#replyWithSelectedText', function() {
describe('#replyWithSelectedText', function() {
var stubSelection;
// Stub to return a node with the provided HTML.
stubSelection = function(html) {
......@@ -24,64 +24,61 @@
beforeEach(function() {
return this.selector = 'form.js-main-target-form textarea#note_note';
this.selector = 'form.js-main-target-form textarea#note_note';
describe('with empty selection', function() {
it('does not return an error', function() {
return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe('');
return it('triggers `input`', function() {
var focused;
focused = false;
it('triggers `input`', function() {
var focused = false;
$(this.selector).on('focus', function() {
return focused = true;
focused = true;
return expect(focused).toBe(true);
describe('with any selection', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
return stubSelection('<p>Selected text.</p>');
stubSelection('<p>Selected text.</p>');
it('leaves existing input intact', function() {
$(this.selector).val('This text was already here.');
expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe('This text was already here.');
return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("This text was already here.\n\n> Selected text.\n\n");
expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("This text was already here.\n\n> Selected text.\n\n");
it('triggers `input`', function() {
var triggered;
triggered = false;
var triggered = false;
$(this.selector).on('input', function() {
return triggered = true;
triggered = true;
return expect(triggered).toBe(true);
return it('triggers `focus`', function() {
var focused;
focused = false;
it('triggers `focus`', function() {
var focused = false;
$(this.selector).on('focus', function() {
return focused = true;
focused = true;
return expect(focused).toBe(true);
describe('with a one-line selection', function() {
return it('quotes the selection', function() {
it('quotes the selection', function() {
stubSelection('<p>This text has been selected.</p>');
return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("> This text has been selected.\n\n");
expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("> This text has been selected.\n\n");
return describe('with a multi-line selection', function() {
return it('quotes the selected lines as a group', function() {
describe('with a multi-line selection', function() {
it('quotes the selected lines as a group', function() {
stubSelection("<p>Selected line one.</p>\n\n<p>Selected line two.</p>\n\n<p>Selected line three.</p>");
return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("> Selected line one.\n>\n> Selected line two.\n>\n> Selected line three.\n\n");
expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("> Selected line one.\n>\n> Selected line two.\n>\n> Selected line three.\n\n");
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