BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit ca5982af by Filipa Lacerda

Changes after review - receives service and method to match current architecture

parent 557c5b0d
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueResource from 'vue-resource';
import httpStatusCodes from './http_status';
* Polling utility for handling realtime updates with Vue.Resource get method.
* Polling utility for handling realtime updates.
* Service for vue resouce and method need to be provided as props
* @example
* new poll({
* url: 'endopoint',
* data: {},
* resource: resource,
* method: 'name',
* successCallback: () => {},
* errorCallback: () => {},
* }).makeRequest();
* this.service = new BoardsService(endpoint);
* new poll({
* resource: this.service,
* method: 'get',
* successCallback: () => {},
* errorCallback: () => {},
* }).makeRequest();
......@@ -47,8 +52,8 @@ export default class poll {
makeRequest() {
return Vue.http.get(this.options.url,
return this.options.resource[this.options.method]()
.catch(error => this.options.errorCallback(error));
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