BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit af65046c by Robert Speicher

Move HTTP/SSH clone button logic to helpers

parent 0fb5ffd8
module ButtonHelper
def http_clone_button(project)
klass = 'btn'
klass << ' active' if default_clone_protocol == 'http'
klass << ' has_tooltip' if current_user.try(:require_password?)
protocol = gitlab_config.protocol.upcase
content_tag :button, protocol,
class: klass,
data: {
clone: project.http_url_to_repo,
container: 'body',
html: 'true',
title: "Set a password on your account<br>to pull or push via #{protocol}"
type: :button
def ssh_clone_button(project)
klass = 'btn'
klass << ' active' if default_clone_protocol == 'ssh'
klass << ' has_tooltip' if current_user.try(:require_ssh_key?)
content_tag :button, 'SSH',
class: klass,
data: {
clone: project.ssh_url_to_repo,
container: 'body',
html: 'true',
title: 'Add an SSH key to your profile<br>to pull or push via SSH.'
type: :button
......@@ -2,23 +2,9 @@
%button{ |
type: 'button', |
class: "btn #{ 'active' if default_clone_protocol == 'ssh' }#{ ' has_tooltip' if current_user && current_user.require_ssh_key? }", |
:"data-clone" => project.ssh_url_to_repo, |
:"data-title" => "Add an SSH key to your profile<br> to pull or push via SSH.",
:"data-html" => "true",
:"data-container" => "body"}
= ssh_clone_button(project)
%button{ |
type: 'button', |
class: "btn #{ 'active' if default_clone_protocol == 'http' }#{ ' has_tooltip' if current_user && current_user.require_password? }", |
:"data-clone" => project.http_url_to_repo, |
:"data-title" => "Set a password on your account<br> to pull or push via #{gitlab_config.protocol.upcase}.",
:"data-html" => "true",
:"data-container" => "body"}
= gitlab_config.protocol.upcase
= http_clone_button(project)
= text_field_tag :project_clone, default_url_to_repo(project), class: "js-select-on-focus form-control", readonly: true
- if project.kind_of?(Project)
.input-group-addon.has_tooltip{title: "#{visibility_level_label(project.visibility_level)} project", data: { container: "body" } }
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