Commit ad765353 authored by Kamil Trzcinski's avatar Kamil Trzcinski

Fix sometimes failing tests

parent b9ccc79c
......@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ describe "Admin Runners" do
describe 'search' do
before do
FactoryGirl.create :ci_runner, description: 'foo'
FactoryGirl.create :ci_runner, description: 'bar'
FactoryGirl.create :ci_runner, description: 'runner-foo'
FactoryGirl.create :ci_runner, description: 'runner-bar'
search_form = find('#runners-search')
search_form.fill_in 'search', with: 'foo'
search_form.fill_in 'search', with: 'runner-foo'
search_form.click_button 'Search'
it { expect(page).to have_content("foo") }
it { expect(page).not_to have_content("bar") }
it { expect(page).to have_content("runner-foo") }
it { expect(page).not_to have_content("runner-bar") }
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