BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit a9d14ddc by Luke "Jared" Bennett

added whitespace toggle to diffs page and set it to return the project compare…

added whitespace toggle to diffs page and set it to return the project compare path with the selected whitespace params Updated CHANGELOG Moved CHANGELOG entry
parent bedb7114
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
- Add support for using Yubikeys (U2F) for two-factor authentication
- Link to blank group icon doesn't throw a 404 anymore
- Remove 'main language' feature
- Toggle whitespace button now available for compare branches diffs #17881
- Pipelines can be canceled only when there are running builds
- Use downcased path to container repository as this is expected path by Docker
- Projects pending deletion will render a 404 page
......@@ -135,6 +135,11 @@ module DiffHelper
toggle_whitespace_link(url, options)
def diff_compare_whitespace_link(project, from, to, options)
url = namespace_project_compare_path(project.namespace, project, from, to, params_with_whitespace)
toggle_whitespace_link(url, options)
def hide_whitespace?
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
= commit_diff_whitespace_link(@project, @commit, class: 'hidden-xs')
- elsif current_controller?(:merge_requests)
= diff_merge_request_whitespace_link(@project, @merge_request, class: 'hidden-xs')
- elsif current_controller?(:compare)
= diff_compare_whitespace_link(@project, params[:from], params[:to], class: 'hidden-xs')
= inline_diff_btn
= parallel_diff_btn
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