BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit a766f60a by DJ Mountney

Inlude the password_automatically_check param as permitted config in the user create_service

This param is passed to service in two places, one is in the build_user for non ldap oauth users. And the other is in the initial production admin user seed data. Without this change, when setting up GitLab in a production environment, you were not being given the option of setting the root password on initial setup in the UI.
parent 93de37ce
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ module Users
......@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ module Users
......@@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ describe Gitlab::OAuth::User, lib: true do
let(:provider) { 'twitter' }
describe 'signup' do
it 'marks user as having password_automatically_set' do
stub_omniauth_config(allow_single_sign_on: ['twitter'], external_providers: ['twitter'])
expect(gl_user).to be_persisted
expect(gl_user).to be_password_automatically_set
shared_examples 'to verify compliance with allow_single_sign_on' do
context 'provider is marked as external' do
it 'marks user as external' do
......@@ -122,6 +122,32 @@ describe Users::CreateService, services: true do
context 'when password_automatically_set parameter is true' do
let(:params) do
name: 'John Doe',
username: 'jduser',
email: '',
password: 'mydummypass',
password_automatically_set: true
it 'persists the given attributes' do
user = service.execute
expect(user).to have_attributes(
name: params[:name],
username: params[:username],
email: params[:email],
password: params[:password],
password_automatically_set: params[:password_automatically_set]
context 'when skip_confirmation parameter is true' do
let(:params) do
{ name: 'John Doe', username: 'jduser', email: '', password: 'mydummypass', skip_confirmation: true }
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