BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit a567dd20 by Valery Sizov

update release doc

parent 326b827c
......@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ workday to quickly fix any issues.
- [ ] Merge CE stable into EE stable (#LINK)
- [ ] Create the 'x.y.0' tag with the [release tools]( (#LINK)
- [ ] Create the 'x.y.0' version on
- [ ] Try to do before 11AM CET: Create and push omnibus tags for x.y.0 (will auto-release the packages) (#LINK)
- [ ] Try to do before 12AM CET: Publish the release blog post (#LINK)
- [ ] Tweet about the release (blog post) (#LINK)
......@@ -52,5 +52,6 @@ bundle exec rake release["x.x.x"]
1. Create and publish a blog post, see [patch release blog template](
1. Send tweets about the release from `@gitlab`, tweet should include the most important feature that the release is addressing and link to the blog post
1. Note in the 'GitLab X.X regressions' issue that the patch was published (CE only)
1. Create the 'x.y.0' version on
1. [Create new AMIs](
1. Create a new patch release issue for the next potential release
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