BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 9982dc1d by Phil Hughes

Added tooltip to assignee

parent d645f719
......@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
{{ }}
%span.label.color-label{ "v-for" => "label in issue.labels", ":style" => "{ backgroundColor: label.color, color: label.textColor }" }
{{ label.title }}
%a{ ":href" => "'/u/' + issue.assignee.username", ":title" => "", "v-if" => "issue.assignee" }
%a.has-tooltip{ ":href" => "'/u/' + issue.assignee.username", ":title" => "'Assigned to ' +", "v-if" => "issue.assignee" }
%img.avatar.avatar-inline.s20{ ":src" => "issue.assignee.avatar", width: 20, height: 20 }
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