@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ All technical content published by GitLab lives in the documentation, including:
-[API](api/README.md) Automate GitLab via a simple and powerful API.
-[CI/CD](ci/README.md) GitLab Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) getting started, `.gitlab-ci.yml` options, and examples.
-[Container Registry](user/project/container_registry.md) Learn how to use GitLab Container Registry.
-[Discussions](user/discussions/index.md) Threads, comments, and resolvable discussions in issues, commits, and merge requests.
-[Git Attributes](user/project/git_attributes.md) Managing Git attributes using a `.gitattributes` file.
-[Git cheatsheet](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/raw/master/design/print/git-cheatsheet/print-pdf/git-cheatsheet.pdf) Download a PDF describing the most used Git operations.
-[GitLab as OAuth2 authentication service provider](integration/oauth_provider.md). It allows you to login to other applications from GitLab.