BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 90e91e28 by Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'application-settings' into 'master'

Applications tab on profile settings Closes #13855 See merge request !3031
parents ea7d062f 8f21e2ae
......@@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ $border-red-dark: #CA264F;
$help-well-bg: #FAFAFA;
$help-well-border: #E5E5E5;
$warning-message-bg: #FBF2D9;
$warning-message-color: #9E8E60;
$warning-message-border: #F0E2BB;
/* header */
$light-grey-header: #faf9f9;
......@@ -215,3 +215,21 @@
color: $provider-btn-not-active-color;
.profile-settings-message {
line-height: 32px;
color: $warning-message-color;
background-color: $warning-message-bg;
border: 1px solid $warning-message-border;
border-radius: $border-radius-base;
.oauth-applications {
form {
display: inline-block;
.last-heading {
width: 105px;
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class Oauth::ApplicationsController < Doorkeeper::ApplicationsController
layout 'profile'
def index
head :forbidden and return
def create
......@@ -20,18 +20,11 @@ class Oauth::ApplicationsController < Doorkeeper::ApplicationsController
flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:notice, scope: [:doorkeeper, :flash, :applications, :create])
redirect_to oauth_application_url(@application)
render :new
render :index
def destroy
if @application.destroy
flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:notice, scope: [:doorkeeper, :flash, :applications, :destroy])
redirect_to applications_profile_url
def verify_user_oauth_applications_enabled
......@@ -40,6 +33,17 @@ class Oauth::ApplicationsController < Doorkeeper::ApplicationsController
redirect_to applications_profile_url
def set_index_vars
@applications = current_user.oauth_applications
@authorized_tokens = current_user.oauth_authorized_tokens
@authorized_anonymous_tokens = @authorized_tokens.reject(&:application)
@authorized_apps =
# Don't overwrite a value possibly set by `create`
@application ||=
# Override Doorkeeper to scope to the current user
def set_application
@application = current_user.oauth_applications.find(params[:id])
......@@ -8,13 +8,6 @@ class ProfilesController < Profiles::ApplicationController
def show
def applications
@applications = current_user.oauth_applications
@authorized_tokens = current_user.oauth_authorized_tokens
@authorized_anonymous_tokens = @authorized_tokens.reject(&:application)
@authorized_apps = - [nil]
def update
user_params.except!(:email) if @user.ldap_user?
- submit_btn_css ||= 'btn btn-link btn-remove btn-sm'
= form_tag oauth_application_path(application) do
%input{:name => "_method", :type => "hidden", :value => "delete"}/
= submit_tag 'Destroy', onclick: "return confirm('Are you sure?')", class: submit_btn_css
\ No newline at end of file
- if defined? small
= button_tag type: "submit", class: "btn btn-transparent", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" } do
= icon('trash')
- else
= submit_tag 'Destroy', data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, class: submit_btn_css
= form_for application, url: doorkeeper_submit_path(application), html: {class: 'form-horizontal', role: 'form'} do |f|
= form_for application, url: doorkeeper_submit_path(application), html: {role: 'form'} do |f|
- if application.errors.any?
......@@ -6,15 +6,11 @@
%li= msg
= f.label :name, class: 'control-label'
= f.label :name, class: 'label-light'
= f.text_field :name, class: 'form-control', required: true
= f.label :redirect_uri, class: 'control-label'
= f.label :redirect_uri, class: 'label-light'
= f.text_area :redirect_uri, class: 'form-control', required: true
......@@ -25,6 +21,5 @@
%code= Doorkeeper.configuration.native_redirect_uri
for local tests
= f.submit 'Submit', class: "btn btn-create"
= link_to "Cancel", applications_profile_path, class: "btn btn-cancel"
= f.submit 'Save application', class: "btn btn-create"
- page_title "Applications" Your applications
%p= link_to 'New Application', new_oauth_application_path, class: 'btn btn-success'
- header_title page_title, applications_profile_path
= page_title
- if user_oauth_applications?
Manage applications that can use GitLab as an OAuth provider,
and applications that you've authorized to use your account.
- else
Manage applications that you've authorized to use your account.
- if user_oauth_applications?
Add new application
= render 'form', application: @application
- if user_oauth_applications?
Your applications (#{@applications.size})
- if @applications.any?
%th Name
%th Callback URL
%th Clients
- @applications.each do |application|
%tr{:id => "application_#{}"}
%tr{id: "application_#{}"}
%td= link_to, oauth_application_path(application)
%td= application.redirect_uri
%td= link_to 'Edit', edit_oauth_application_path(application), class: 'btn btn-link'
%td= render 'delete_form', application: application
- application.redirect_uri.split.each do |uri|
%div= uri
%td= application.access_tokens.count
= link_to edit_oauth_application_path(application), class: "btn btn-transparent append-right-5" do
= icon('pencil')
= render 'delete_form', application: application, small: true
- else
You don't have any applications
- if user_oauth_applications?
Authorized applications (#{@authorized_tokens.size})
- if @authorized_tokens.any?
%th Name
%th Authorized At
%th Scope
- @authorized_apps.each do |app|
- token = app.authorized_tokens.order('created_at desc').first
%tr{id: "application_#{}"}
%td= token.created_at
%td= token.scopes
%td= render 'delete_form', application: app
- @authorized_anonymous_tokens.each do |token|
%em Authorization was granted by entering your username and password in the application.
%td= token.created_at
%td= token.scopes
%td= render 'delete_form', token: token
- else
You don't have any authorized applications
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
= icon('gear fw')
= nav_link(path: ['profiles#applications', 'applications#edit', 'applications#show', 'applications#new', 'applications#create']) do
= nav_link(controller: 'oauth/applications') do
= link_to applications_profile_path, title: 'Applications' do
= icon('cloud fw')
- page_title "Applications"
- header_title page_title, applications_profile_path
- if user_oauth_applications?
Manage applications that can use GitLab as an OAuth provider,
and applications that you've authorized to use your account.
- else
Manage applications that you've authorized to use your account.
- if user_oauth_applications?
Your applications
= link_to 'New Application', new_oauth_application_path, class: 'btn btn-success'
- if @applications.any?
%th Name
%th Callback URL
%th Clients
- @applications.each do |application|
%tr{:id => "application_#{}"}
%td= link_to, oauth_application_path(application)
- application.redirect_uri.split.each do |uri|
%div= uri
%td= application.access_tokens.count
%td= link_to 'Edit', edit_oauth_application_path(application), class: 'btn btn-link btn-sm'
%td= render 'doorkeeper/applications/delete_form', application: application
- if user_oauth_applications?
Authorized applications
- if @authorized_tokens.any?
%th Name
%th Authorized At
%th Scope
- @authorized_apps.each do |app|
- token = app.authorized_tokens.order('created_at desc').first
%tr{:id => "application_#{}"}
%td= token.created_at
%td= token.scopes
%td= render 'doorkeeper/authorized_applications/delete_form', application: app
- @authorized_anonymous_tokens.each do |token|
%em Authorization was granted by entering your username and password in the application.
%td= token.created_at
%td= token.scopes
%td= render 'doorkeeper/authorized_applications/delete_form', token: token
- else
%p.light You don't have any authorized applications
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
resource :profile, only: [:show, :update] do
member do
get :audit_log
get :applications
get :applications, to: 'oauth/applications#index'
put :reset_private_token
put :update_username
......@@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ Feature: Profile
Scenario: I can manage application
Given I visit profile applications page
Then I click on new application button
And I should see application form
Then I should see application form
Then I fill application form out and submit
And I see application
Then I click edit
......@@ -180,18 +180,14 @@ class Spinach::Features::Profile < Spinach::FeatureSteps
step 'I click on new application button' do
click_on 'New Application'
step 'I should see application form' do
expect(page).to have_content "New Application"
expect(page).to have_content "Add new application"
step 'I fill application form out and submit' do
fill_in :doorkeeper_application_name, with: 'test'
fill_in :doorkeeper_application_redirect_uri, with: ''
click_on "Submit"
click_on "Save application"
step 'I see application' do
......@@ -211,7 +207,7 @@ class Spinach::Features::Profile < Spinach::FeatureSteps
step 'I change name of application and submit' do
expect(page).to have_content "Edit application"
fill_in :doorkeeper_application_name, with: 'test_changed'
click_on "Submit"
click_on "Save application"
step 'I see that application was changed' do
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