BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 8ffc04eb by Alfredo Sumaran

Add GitLabCrop class

parent 768008f6
class GitLabCrop
constructor: (el, opts = {}) ->
# Input file
@fileInput = $(el)
# Set defaults
@form = @fileInput.parents('form')
@modalCrop = '.modal-profile-crop'
# Button where user clicks to open file dialog
# If not passed as argument let's pick a default one
@pickImageEl = @fileInput.parent().find('.js-choose-user-avatar-button')
@uploadImageBtn = $('.js-upload-user-avatar')
} = opts
# Ensure @modalCrop is a jQuery Object
@modalCrop = $(@modalCrop)
@modalCropImg = $('.modal-profile-crop-image')
@cropActionsBtn = @modalCrop.find('[data-method]')
bindEvents: ->
self = @
@fileInput.on 'change', (e) ->
self.onFileInputChange(e, @)
@pickImageEl.on 'click', @onPickImageClick
@modalCrop.on '', @onModalShow
@modalCrop.on '', @onModalHide
@uploadImageBtn.on 'click', @onUploadImageBtnClick
@cropActionsBtn.on 'click', (e) ->
btn = @
@croppedImageBlob = null
onPickImageClick: =>
onModalShow: =>
viewMode: 1
center: false
aspectRatio: 1
modal: true
scalable: false
rotatable: false
zoomable: true
dragMode: 'move'
guides: false
zoomOnTouch: false
zoomOnWheel: false
cropBoxMovable: false
cropBoxResizable: false
toggleDragModeOnDblclick: false
built: ->
container = $(@).cropper 'getContainerData'
cropBoxWidth = 200;
cropBoxHeight = 200;
width: cropBoxWidth,
height: cropBoxHeight,
left: (container.width - cropBoxWidth) / 2,
top: (container.height - cropBoxHeight) / 2
onModalHide: =>
.attr('src', '') # Remove attached image
.cropper('destroy') # Destroy cropper instance
onUploadImageBtnClick: (e) =>
# @form.submit();
onActionBtnClick: (btn) ->
data = $(btn).data()
if'cropper') && data.method
data = $.extend {}, data
result = @modalCropImg.cropper data.method, data.option
onFileInputChange: (e, input) ->
readFile: (input) ->
self = @
reader = new FileReader
reader.onload = ->
self.modalCropImg.attr('src', reader.result)
dataURLtoBlob: (dataURL) ->
binary = atob(dataURL.split(',')[1])
array = []
for v, k in binary
new Blob([new Uint8Array(array)], type: 'image/png')
setBlob: ->
dataURL = @modalCropImg.cropper('getCroppedCanvas').toDataURL('image/png')
@croppedImageBlob = @dataURLtoBlob(dataURL)
getBlob: ->
$.fn.glCrop = (opts) ->
return @.each ->
$(@).data('glcrop', new GitLabCrop(@, opts))
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