BigW Consortium Gitlab

Use top-area component for top page navigation for pages that contains list of items

parent d506b3f9
- page_title "Milestones"
- header_title "Milestones", dashboard_milestones_path
= render 'shared/new_project_item_select', path: 'milestones/new', label: "New Milestone", include_groups: true
= render 'shared/milestones_filter'
= render 'shared/new_project_item_select', path: 'milestones/new', label: "New Milestone", include_groups: true
List all milestones from all projects you have access to.
- page_title "Milestones"
- header_title group_title(@group, "Milestones", group_milestones_path(@group))
= render 'shared/milestones_filter'
- if can?(current_user, :admin_milestones, @group)
= link_to new_group_milestone_path(@group), class: "btn btn-new" do
= icon('plus')
New Milestone
= render 'shared/milestones_filter'
Only milestones from
%strong #{}
......@@ -139,7 +139,31 @@
%h2#navs Navigation
%code .top-area
%p Holder for top page navigation. Includes navigation, search field, sorting and button
%a Open
%a Closed
= text_field_tag 'sample', nil, class: 'form-control'
%button.dropdown-toggle.btn{type: 'button', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown'}
%span Sort by name
%a Sort by date
= link_to 'New issue', '#', class: 'btn btn-new'
%code .nav-links
%p Only nav links without button and search
- page_title "Builds"
= render "header_title"
- if can?(current_user, :manage_builds, @project)
- if @all_builds.running_or_pending.any?
= link_to 'Cancel running', cancel_all_namespace_project_builds_path(@project.namespace, @project),
data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, class: 'btn btn-danger', method: :post
= link_to ci_lint_path, class: 'btn btn-default' do
= icon('wrench')
%span CI Lint
%li{class: ('active' if @scope.nil?)}
= link_to project_builds_path(@project) do
......@@ -32,6 +21,16 @@
= number_with_delimiter(@all_builds.finished.count(:id))
- if can?(current_user, :manage_builds, @project)
- if @all_builds.running_or_pending.any?
= link_to 'Cancel running', cancel_all_namespace_project_builds_path(@project.namespace, @project),
data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, class: 'btn btn-danger', method: :post
= link_to ci_lint_path, class: 'btn btn-default' do
= icon('wrench')
%span CI Lint
#{(@scope || 'running').capitalize} builds from this project
- page_title "Labels"
= render "header_title"
Labels can be applied to issues and merge requests.
- if can? current_user, :admin_label, @project
= link_to new_namespace_project_label_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: "pull-right btn btn-new" do
= link_to new_namespace_project_label_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: "btn btn-new" do
= icon('plus')
New label
Labels can be applied to issues and merge requests.
- if @labels.present?
......@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
= render "header_title"
= render 'shared/milestones_filter'
- if can?(current_user, :admin_milestone, @project)
= link_to new_namespace_project_milestone_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: "pull-right btn btn-new", title: "New Milestone" do
= link_to new_namespace_project_milestone_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: "btn btn-new", title: "New Milestone" do
= icon('plus')
New Milestone
= render 'shared/milestones_filter'
Milestone allows you to group issues and set due date for it
- if can?(current_user, :create_wiki, @project)
= link_to '#modal-new-wiki', class: "add-new-wiki btn btn-new", "data-toggle" => "modal" do
New Page
= render 'projects/wikis/new'
= nav_link(html_options: {class: params[:id] == 'home' ? 'active' : '' }) do
= link_to 'Home', namespace_project_wiki_path(@project.namespace, @project, :home)
......@@ -17,3 +9,11 @@
= nav_link(path: 'wikis#git_access') do
= link_to namespace_project_wikis_git_access_path(@project.namespace, @project) do
Git Access
- if can?(current_user, :create_wiki, @project)
= link_to '#modal-new-wiki', class: "add-new-wiki btn btn-new", "data-toggle" => "modal" do
= icon('plus')
New Page
= render 'projects/wikis/new'
%li{class: ("active" if params[:state].blank? || params[:state] == 'opened')}
= link_to milestones_filter_path(state: 'opened') do
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