BigW Consortium Gitlab

Flush Housekeeping data from Redis specs

These specs use raw Redis objects which can not use the memory based caching mechanism used for tests. As such we have to explicitly flush the data from Redis before/after each spec to ensure no data lingers on.
parent 24261f2d
......@@ -538,9 +538,16 @@ describe GitPushService, services: true do
let(:housekeeping) { }
before do
# Flush any raw Redis data stored by the housekeeping code.
Gitlab::Redis.with { |conn| conn.flushall }
allow(Projects::HousekeepingService).to receive(:new).and_return(housekeeping)
after do
Gitlab::Redis.with { |conn| conn.flushall }
it 'does not perform housekeeping when not needed' do
expect(housekeeping).not_to receive(:execute)
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